Dry south west facing forested slope. See obs. point BLUE.129, and 131.;This observation point is composed of a hot, dry, steep, shaley slope. The area is dominated by gnarled, but fairly tall red oaks & post oaks. There is lots of hickory and Juniper in the understory. There is also dense tall herb cover around the area. There is lots of dry exposed shaley soil but the larger surface rocks appear to be sandstone. A jeep trail cuts just below the obs. point that runs from private land at True to the Bluestone River across from Little Bluestone Confluence. Some fire scarring is prevalent on the old stumps.
This is a small patch of dry oak "shale barren". This one appears to have less Pinus virginiana and more of a canopy cover than the others surveyed. The red oaks are larger here so there is more of a canopy so the site may be cooler. This observation poin